With the passage of time, there has been a dramatic shift in the patterns of parenting structures. Traditionally, fathers were expected to be the breadwinners of the family, while mothers were expected to do the majority of the childcare and upbringing.
However, today’s fathers are more involved in their children’s upbringing than ever before. They have realized that, just as their financial support is essential , so is their emotional support for the children. Therefore, today’s parents try to spend as much time as possible and take pleasure in their upbringing .
It would not be wrong to say that over the last year and a half COVID-19 has brought about a substantial change in life partners, but it has provided fathers with an incredible opportunity to connect with their children and family. Now that things are getting back to normal, priorities have shifted, and fathers are more engaged with their children, feeling responsible to keep track of their daily routine while also being at work.
We interviewed fathers of all ages who’re part of the PayPro team, and all of them have shared how fatherhood have changed their lives. Most fathers in our company take pride in assisting their children at home and have expressed how important it is for them to spend quality time with their children even when they have a busy day at work.
On behalf of PayPro, we would like to recognize all fathers who work tirelessly day and night to provide a good life for their children. Because for almost every child, their father is their first superhero!
Mahak Salman
Business & Marketing Associate